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9 Ways to Prevent Bad Breath

September 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 10:40 pm
Woman with bad breath

Are you struggling with bad breath? This can happen to anyone on occasion, but for many this is a common problem. More than 80 million Americans suffer from chronic halitosis. Most of the time, the source is the gums and the tongue. Not only can it make you frustrated, but many feel embarrassed when they have to speak to others. Fortunately, you don’t need to continue living your life this way. Your dentist in Lawrenceville has some tips that can help you stop bad breath in its tracks.

Brush Twice Daily

You know that you should be brushing your teeth twice a day, but many people still continue to neglect brushing before bed. When food debris isn’t removed, bacteria and plaque will find their way on your teeth and lead to tooth decay, periodontal disease, and bad breath. If you want to take an extra step, add an additional round of brushing with baking soda. This reduces the acidity in the mouth and makes it difficult for the bacteria that causes bad breath to grow.

Floss Every Day

Brushing doesn’t remove all of the food particle and plaque from your smile. By flossing, you can clean those hard to reach places between the teeth and beneath the gumline in order to prevent bacteria from congregating there.

Use a Mouthwash

Using a mouth rinse is great for temporarily reducing bad breath. It helps to wash away food particles and bacteria that you couldn’t quite reach from regular flossing. However, if you have a dental problem that is causing your halitosis, mouthwash will only mask the issue and not attack it at the source.

Clean Your Tongue

Your tongue is also a common place for food residue and bad breath causing bacteria to build up. In order to clean it off, you could either use your toothbrush or invest in an inexpensive tool called a tongue scraper. Whenever you brush your teeth, also give your tongue a scrub.

Drink Water

By staying hydrated, you can avoid the problems associated with dry mouth. This occurs when your mouth isn’t producing enough saliva and food debris and bacteria aren’t washed away so easily. By drinking 6 to 8 cups of water a day, you can prevent this from occurring.

Chew Gum

Chewing on sugarless gum or sucking on sugar-free candy is a great way to stimulate your saliva flow. This will wash away food debris and bacteria that has accumulated in your mouth and is causing bad breath.

See Your Dentist

In order to eliminate any dental issues that could be causing your halitosis, you should address it during your next checkup and cleaning. They will be able to rule out oral health problems and give you the best advice for your unique situation. If your dentist believes the cause is a systematic source, they will be able to refer you to someone who can help.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking tobacco products contributes to bad breath by drying out your mouth and leaving an unpleasant smell. This can linger even after you brush your teeth. Talk to your doctor, friends, and family about the best ways you can quit.

Have an Apple

High-fiber crunchy fruits and vegetables help to step up your saliva flow between meals. This will wash away bacteria from your teeth, tongue, and gums which can cause bad breath. Try apple slices, carrots, or celery.

You don’t need to live with bad breath. By talking to your dentist and using these tips, your smile will be freshened up in no time.

About the Author

Dr. Bruce E. Carter earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine at the University of Florida College of Dentistry before attending the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry and completing the Cosmetic Dentistry Continuum Level II. He has completed over 1600 hours of advanced training and has been practicing in the field for 35 years. For more information on reducing halitosis or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Carter, visit his website or call (770) 995-7616.

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