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4 Foods & Drinks That You May Not Realize Cause Cavities

June 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_carter @ 7:37 pm

We all know that candy, cake, and ice cream can lead to cavities. But what about the foods that are doing just as much damage to your teeth simply because you’re snacking away without realizing that they also increase your risk of tooth decay? Your dentist in Lawrenceville can think of at least 4 surprising cavity-causers that you should be aware of. Keep reading to find out what they are, and how you can protect your smile from their damaging effects! 

#1: Crackers 

What could be more innocent than a saltine or a scoop of goldfish crackers to go alongside your tomato soup? While these crunchy snacks may seem like a basic pantry staple, you should watch out for them if you want strong and healthy teeth (and who doesn’t want that?). Saltines and other crackers are processed carbohydrates, which is just another word for sugar. If they stay on your teeth for too long, you’re definitely increasing your risk of cavities. 

#2: Dried Fruit

There’s a reason raisins, dried mango and other dried fruits taste so good – it’s because dehydrating the fruit greatly increases the sugar content. Plus, many dried fruits also have added sugar on top to make them even more irresistible. And that’s an easy recipe for cavities. 

#3: Alcoholic Beverages 

Alcohol like wine, beer, and liquor deals a double or even triple whammy to your oral health. Not only does it contain a fairly high level of sugar, but it also dries the mouth out – and reducing the amount of saliva increases the amount of bacteria that will stick around to potentially cause cavities. Plus, many mixers that are commonly used alongside liquor (like orange juice, coca cola, and tonic water) are high in sugar, further damaging your pearly whites.  

#4: Cereal

While there are a number of cereals that contain little to no sugar, cereal is also a common culprit of “hidden sugar”. That is because even those that are marketed as healthy often actually contain a considerable amount of added sweetener. Do your teeth and gums a favor and check the nutrition label on your cereal before you make it a morning staple. 

How to Enjoy Your Favorite Foods AND Protect Your Teeth

Even if you do choose to enjoy one or more of these common cavity culprits from time to time, you can still protect your teeth by sticking to a good oral hygiene routine. That means brushing at least twice daily, flossing between teeth daily, and visiting your dentist twice annually (or as often as recommended). 

When was your last checkup and cleaning? If it’s been six months, don’t hesitate to schedule yours – especially if you routinely partake in some of these sneaky cavity-causing foods or drinks!  

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Bruce E. Carter has been providing excellence in dentistry since 1985 – and in that time, he has also managed to complete over 1,600 continuing education hours to ensure that he stays up-to-date on the latest advances in the field. In 2014, he was recognized by the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce as the Physician of the Year. To learn more about how to keep your teeth healthy for the long haul or to schedule your appointment, reach out to Transforming Smiles at (770) 995-7616. 

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